Evaluation of the qualite of life related to oral health among elderly people in some elderly care facilities by OHIP-14. 한국치위생학회지 = Journal of Korean 


Den munhälsorelaterade livskvalitén mättes med instrumentet Oral Health Impact Profile. (OHIP-14). Den första enkäten besvarades i samband med 

93. Naito M, Suzukamo Y, Nakayama. T  Magnusson page 55 A longitudinal study of dental health from the age of 14 to of the OHIP-14 among patients in general and specialist dental care Hägglin,  via VAS-skala och OHIP-14 mindre symptom efter studien. Under studietiden visade förekomsten av Candida albicans en tendens till minskning.


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Under the Health Insurance Act [ PDF ] – February 11, 2021 (Effective March 14, 2021). As the OHIP-14 was developed in English, it became difficult to administer these questionnaire in non-English speaking nations and in places where the local  2017년 4월 26일 온타리오 의료보험 OHIP, 오힙. ​. OHIP, ​Ontario Health Insurance Plan. ( 온타리오 Mississauga : Unit 14, 1151 Dundas Street West. Oakville  2012년 3월 1일 OHIP(Ontario Health Insurance Plan)은 영주권이나 시민권이 있어야지 신청할 수 있는 줄 알고 있었는데 유효한 워킹퍼밋이 있어도 신청가능  2018년 9월 21일 OHIP은 시민권자 또는 영주권자 중 온타리오에 최근 6개월 이상 거주한 사람에게 보장이 되는 의료보험이지만 몇몇 예외적으로 OHIP의 보장을 받을 수 있는 경우가 있으며 그 중 하나가 워크퍼밋 보유자 입니다. February 14, 2016.

OHIP-14 question. All OHIP-14 item questions were answered by 447 participants and their data are the focus of this paper. The demographic characteristics of these residents and those who did not answer all OHIP-14 items were similar in terms of gender, mean age, proportion in …

OHIP-14 (fi g. 1).


Conclusion: The OHIP-14 is a valid and reliable quality of life assessment tool in young adolescents in this rural community. However, only the social disability domain componente discriminated


Patienterna var övergripande nöjda med en genomsnittlig OHIP-14-nivån på 4.74 / 5.

In terms of respondent burden, both the OIDP and OHIP-14 inventories are relatively short Citation: N. Navabi , Validation of a Persian version of the oral health impact profile [OHIP-14], Iran. J. Public Health. 2010; 39 (4): 135-139 The aim of this study was to investigate the dimensional structure of the Oral Health Impact Profile-14: (OHIP-14). Data was obtained from studies carried out in Rio de Janeiro (N = 504) and Carlos Barbosa (N = 872), in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Theoreti- OHIP-14 simultaneously, CFA showed a three- cal models characterize OHRQoL as multidimen- factor structure for the OHIP-14 13.
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Adolescents. Abstract. Aim: To validate and determine the applicability of OHIP-14 in  Objective of the research was to get the data validity and OHIP-14 questionnaire reliability in pregnant woman. Methods: The research material that OHIP  Evaluation of the qualite of life related to oral health among elderly people in some elderly care facilities by OHIP-14.

In spite of the limited number of items the short version of the OHIP has been proven to be also a valid and reliable instrument [11]. To be able to use OHIP-14 in nonEnglish- -speaking populations, this in-strument has been translated and cross-culturally vali … The LORQv3 and OHIP-14 questionnaires were administered to 60 participants with oral cancer, who were in need of oral rehabilitation. They were asked to rate their dental problems on a Likert scale before fabrication of their prostheses (baseline) and at the 3-month follow-up visit after prosthetic rehabilitation.
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1 ohip-14 2,11) ohip-14は14項目の質問(表1)に対して,5つ の回答項目に過去1か月以内であてはまるものを選択 させた.回答項目とその点数は,いつも=4,よくあ る=3,時々ある=2,ほとんどない=1,全くない

Generell hälsa: 0,01 (General health). 30 min med 33 MV röntgenstrålning (ref 5 och 14), var- vid processen.

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frågeformuläret Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) (15). I samband med introduktionen lämnades formuläret till klienten, som ombads kryssa för svarsalternativen och därefter ta med det till intervjun och den kliniska undersökningen, som skedde några dagar efter introduktionen. Om ej klienten fyllt i

Hitta perfekta Ohip bilder och redaktionellt nyhetsbildmaterial hos Getty Images.